
For the sake of…
November 24, 2009, 4:13 pm
Filed under: Musing | Tags:

the Gospel.  This should be our only motivation.  Each action and decision of our day must have as its chief end the promotion of, equipping for, transmission of and/or creation of opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus.  I am convicted to begin the evaluation of my life and its activities by this rule and also the evaluation of others in the same fashion.  When someone wants to discuss the various things pastors and Christians in general like to squawk about and create divisions over, I now decide to preface any with this question:  “When is the last time you shared the Gospel?”  If they have not or do not been active in their faith, their comments and perspective on Christian life and thought are hollow intellectual rhetoric devoid of the true nature of Christ who came to seek and save.  I pray I would be held to this same standard; the time for mediocrity and complacency are gone.  Imitate Christ.

Waves of resolve
November 13, 2007, 5:06 pm
Filed under: Musing | Tags:

Does anyone else suffer from waves of resolve? I realize I haven’t blogged since May; almost six months. Like the ebb and flow of the tides, cresting with determination and drive and falling to apathy and disinterest. I find a lack of ability to identify the “lunar pull” that causes my wavering. I guess I have something to pray about…

When stuff bombs
April 27, 2007, 2:44 pm
Filed under: Musing

The hardest thing to do sometimes is move on when stuff bombs.  I doesn’t matter how much you plan, or how well you have tried to assure success, sometime stuff just bombs.  The best thing to do is suck it up and take it like a man, figure out why it failed, know that it failed for a reason (yes Virginia, God is in control of our failures, but there still is no Santa Claus), and soilder on.  But this is, of course, easy to say and easier to type than it is to do.

Enough with the boo hoo’s and the woe is me’s, time for the suck it up part.

Rockaround, fools, Rockaround.

March 21, 2007, 7:19 pm
Filed under: Musing, Uncategorized

Isn’t it interesting how we as people justify everything?  We are always comparing ourselves to one another and applying some whack standard that we have invented to decide basically if we are better or worse that everyone else.  It even goes so far that some, trying to escape from this twisted system, create another standard above the rest called “non-conformist”.  “I don’t go with the flow, I march to my own drum.”  Translation:  “I’m better than you because I’m not a sheep.”

 This also manifests itself in the “at least I’m not this guy” mentality.  As long as we are not a mass murder, we are better that someone who is.  As long as we are not a crack addict, we are better than they are.  Maybe on some level we are better, but start throwing rocks and see how many windows you break in your glass house.  Catch even the best person in the right situation and they can be as cruel as the most depraved criminal.

 It makes me laugh when I hear someone assert the “goodness” of man.  To quote M.I.B.: “A person is smart. Peopleare dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it.”  It wasn’t usually a person who committed hate crimes pre-civil rights, it was a group of people or even the cliche “mob”.  Yet, as a spark starts a fire, a single person ignites the people for good or for evil.  Even if a person does good, find their true motivation for doing good, and I’ll bet they have personal gain involved, especially if the gain is they “feel better about themselves”.

 The solution, God.  Call me biased if you like, but think, if everyone adhered to Biblical standards what would the world be like.  True, since I have used the civil rights as examples, many whites felt that slavery was perfectly protected by Scripture, but the Pharisees felt their actions we as well and they crucified Christ, so …

 The human race is evil.  The regenerate human is good because God is good.  Other religions cannot claim the same because regeneration is unique to Christianity.  Other religions talk of reaching enlightenment etc. but only Christianity claims that upon the placement of faith the true believer is made new and shares in the Holy Spirit, and that the newness and indwelling of the Holy Spirit itself is what empowers the believer to overcome sin, evil, depravity, etc.

 Call me crazy but you can never teach people to be good, only a regenerated person can truly be good.

March 13, 2007, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Musing, Uncategorized

So it’s Tuesday.  Tuesday is my new Monday.  Tuesday feels like Monday when you don’t work on Monday.  Maybe Monday is more of a frame of mind and not an actual day.  What if March is a frame of mind as well?  What if it were April Insanity instead of March Madness?  Would it make a difference?  Would Christmas be January 25?  Christmas should be some time in the spring anyway so not much difference there …  This is what Mondays do to me; it stirs the little bit of insanity that everyone has up to the surface.  I guess it’s all perspective again … what defines sane and insane … the majority … the norm … again perspective.  Too bad that reality exists and just because you see it differently from others doesn’t mean you are right.  Monday.